D5.2 Case studies on Translation in Food Tech Research

This deliverable reports four case studies of FoodTech initiatives:

1) Building Continuous Science Collaborations: A Case Study from the Danish Food Ingredients Industry (Gergana Petrova Romanova – UCPH): two research projects that included partners from a major food science department at a Danish university and private companies from the Danish food industry, particularly the food ingredients industry.

2) Senarum Vinea (Elena Casprini, Lorenzo Zanni, Niccolò Fiorini, Jacopo Cammeo, Tommaso Pucci – UNISI): Senarum Vinea, a project born from the idea of a group of researchers of the University of Siena in 2008, aiming at valorising the autochthone vineyards and the historical ways of wine production.

3) Podravka (Jasmina Ranilović – Podravka / Food Technology and Biotechnology, Laboratory for Nutrition Science, Croatia, Marina Dabić – UniZAG / Nottingham Trent University, UK, Tena Obradović – UniZAG): Podravka is a food processing company from Croatia that produces more than 1,000 products and exports to more than 60 markets worldwide, an example of a company that has started open innovation practices.

4) Meat innovation meets open innovation – how design thinking can open for new ideas (Antje Gonera, Stine Alm Hersleth – Nofima): this case centers around the Norwegian meat sector and describes innovation development as impacted by a facilitated open innovation project. Ongoing capability building efforts, societal changes that influence our opinion about meat production and consumption as well as sustainability focus support (and in some case force) the sector to innovate.

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