RMIT Europe Case Study: Presentation of Results

Dr. Maria Pajuoja, Postdoctoral researcher from the University of Vaasa visited RMIT Europe during her first secondment in Barcelona, Spring of 2022. She met the team and started to involve them in her research about innovation and remote work. She did her second secondment at RMIT Europe during the Autumn of 2022, when she continued her research through interviewes with members of the different departments. On 27th April 2023, Maria gave a seminar for the staff at RMIT Europe, where she presented the results of her research. The seminar concluded with an interesting discussion on the topic and the findings and recommendations of Paujoja’s research at RMIT Europe. 

Maria’s research focuses on the challenges of remote work for innovation, and during her presentation she shared some insights on her interviews with RMIT Europe staff and how those compared to other interviews conducted with staff members from different Finnish companies. 

Day 01 / April 27

  • 12:00 pm
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